Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 9)

                                                                   Part 9

noisy words

  1. bray (yell)
  2. clamorous (noisy)
  3. hue and cry (clamor)
  4. kerfuffle (unnecessary excitement)
  5. rambunctious (loud)
  6. resound (echo)
  7. vociferous (vocal)
  8. woof  (yell)
  9. obstreperous (noisy)
  10. resonance (echo)
  11. stentorian (loud)

  paper related

  1. origami (art of paper folding)
  2. paper tiger (weak person)
  3. papier -mache (paper mixed with glue)
  4. pad (notebook)
  5. papyrus (earliest form of paper used by Egyptians)
  6. buckle (fastener)
  7. staples (paper fasteners)

Religious words

  1. avatar (embodiment of Hindu deity)
  2. denomination (branch of christian church)
  3. incarnate (taking of human form)
  4. fakir (a religious Muslim or Hindu)
  5. piety (holiness)
  6. prig (person having strong belief )
  7. sanctity (holiness)
  8. shaman (healer)
  9. liturgy (ritual)
  10. monotheism (belief in one GOD)
  11. caliph (dynasty)
  12. imam (religious leader)
  13. jihad (holy war)
  14. infidel (unbeliever)
  15. maverick (free spirit)

roads / tracks / traffic

  1. berm (a raised area of ground)
  2. jitney (bus carrying passengers)
  3. juggernaut (a large truck)
  4. camber (a slight curve in road)
  5. cul-de-sac (street closed at one end)
  6. grid lock (traffic jam)
  7. chicane (a sharp double bend car racing)
  8. dead end (road closed at one end)
  9. under steer (a motor vehicle tendency to turn less sharply than expected)
  10. tail gate (back door of a vehicle)
  11. velodrome(a track for cycle racing)

travelling / visit

  1. Baedeker (guide book for travels)
  2. commute (travel to work)
  3. itinerant (nomadic)
  4. junket (a trip)
  5. journeyman (learner)
  6. junta (group of military officers)
  7. sojourn (stay,visit)
  8. stay (visit,holiday)


  1. accolade (honor)
  2. impute (attribute)
  3. laud (praise)
  4. cachet (value)
  5. meritorious (excellent,praise worthy)
  6. deferential (polite)
  7. encomium (praise)
  8. venerable (respected)
  9. obeisance (bow,respect)
  10. repute (prestige)

Credits: Taniya Sadia

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