Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 8)

                                                                    Part 8

  Music related

  1. aria (a song for one voice)
  2. diva (famous female singer)
  3. jig (dance)
  4. dulcet (melodious)
  5. etude (piece of music)
  6. trilogy (drama)
  7. euphonious (pleasant to listen)
  8. leitmotif (tune in music)

  Medical terms

  1. acupuncture (pricking)
  2. angina (chest pain due to low supply of blood)
  3. anaphylactic (highly sensitive)
  4. aneurysm (extreme swelling of artery)
  5. antibody (material which fight with diseases)
  6. articulated (joint segments)
  7. atrophy (washing away)
  8. cesarean (surgical birth)
  9. capsule (pill)
  10. catharsis(purging)
  11. chromosomes(structure with genes)
  12. coccyx (tailbone)
  13. contiguous (adjacent)
  14. contusion (injury)
  15. crescent (sickle shaped)
  16. corpuscles (cells in blood)
  17. fermentation (bubbling)
  18. glaucoma (eye disorder)
  19. glucose (sugar energy)
  20. holistic -medicine (preventive medicine)
  21. hallux (first digit onfoot)
  22. herbicide (wed killer)
  23. homeopathy (treatment with small amount of medicine)
  24. hypertension (high blood pressure)
  25. hypothermia (low blood pressure)
  26. ichor (pus)
  27. inoculate (vaccine)
  28. ligament (connection)
  29. lineage (ancestry)
  30. metabolism(chemical process)
  31. orthotics(orthopodic)
  32. paramedic (medical assistance)
  33. placebo (inactive)
  34. pollex(first digit of hand)
  35. quadriceps (thigh muscle)
  36. remedial (healing)
  37. sanatorium (hospital)
  38. sciatica (pain in legs)
  39. septic (infected)
  40. somatic (material)
  41. symbiosis (association)
  42. therapeutic (healing)
  43. traction (grip)
  44. triage (sorting out patient)
  45. vascular (containing vessels)
  46. venomous (poisonous)
  47. ventricle (heart chamber)
  48. virulent (lethal)
  49. xeric (deficient in moisture)

 Science related

  1. aerobic  (exercise for good health)
  2. aerodynamic (to reduce air resistance)
  3. ampere (unit of current)
  4. avoirdupois (system of weights)
  5. carapace (animals hard shell)
  6. chiaroscuro (contrast between light and shade)
  7. catalyst (agitator)
  8. comatose(in coma)
  9. demographics (data of population)
  10. electrolyte (solution conducting current)
  11. fistmele (seven inches)
  12. flux (constant change)
  13. lathe (tuning tool)
  14. lipid (an oily organic compound)
  15. nuclear family (extended family )
  16. nip and tuck (medical operation in which skin is made tighter)
  17. odometer (speedometer)
  18. palpitation(pulse)
  19. peripheral (outer edging)
  20. periphery (edge)
  21. permeate(pervade)
  22. polyunsaturated (low in cholesterol)
  23. vulcanize (solidify)

Credits : Taniya Sadia

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