Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 7)


  1. aspersion (unpleasant)
  2. blasphemous (insulting)
  3. contumely (insult)
  4. decry (criticize)
  5. mordant (bitter)
  6. trashtalk (insulting)


  1. admonition (rebuke)
  2. berate (scold)
  3. broadside (salvo)
  4. chastise (scold)
  5. exhortation (warning)
  6. kibitz (make unwanted comments)
  7. pan (criticize)
  8. vituperative (blame)


  1. aerobic exercise (exercise in which oxygen is inhaled)
  2. calisthenics (gymnastics)
  3. decathlon (athletic contest)
  4. fartlek (athletic training)
  5. regatta (boat racing)
  6. taichi (chinese system of exercise)
  7. rope-a-dope (strategy)

justify / clear / confirm / verify

  1. corroborate (confirm)
  2. elucidate (clear)
  3. evocative (suggestive)
  4. ineradicable (accepted)
  5. justify (explain)
  6. lucidity(clarity)
  7. moot (debatable)
  8. postulate (put forward)
  9. stipulate (impose)
  10. syllogism (argument)

false / fake

  1. apocryphal (false)
  2. faux (fake)
  3. spurious (fake )
  4. stilted (false)
  5. superficial (artificial)
  6. specious (false)


  1. embed (fixing)
  2. embedded (place solidly)
  3. inculcate (imprint)
  4. jell (set)

flexible / possible / suitable

  1. feasible (practical)
  2. felicitous (suitable)
  3. opportune (favorable)
  4. uncanny (remarkable)
  5. viability (possible)

display / show off

  1. diorama (display case)
  2. diptych (pointing to panels)
  3. flaunt( to show pride)
  4. manifestation (display)
  5. pomp (display)
  6. vista (view)

 mixture & collection

  1. potpourri (blend)
  2. motley (mixed)
  3. mosaic (collage)
  4. infusion ( solution obtained by soaking)
  5. archives (collections of historical documents)
  6. batter (mixture used for making cakes)
  7. battery (large number of similar things)
  8. collage (collection of pictures)
  9. heterogeneous (mixed)
  10. medley (mixture)
  11. melange (blend)
  12. montage (collage)

Credits : Taniya Sadia

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