Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 6)

                                                                       Part 6

 parts / segments

  1. bifurcate (split)
  2. segment (section)
  3. lions share (largest part of something)
  4. quarter (one of four part)
  5. quintile (distribution)
  6. sunder (divide)
  7. sub division (lower group)
  8. smithereens (fragments)


  1. disdain (hate)
  2. execrable (hateful)
  3. heinous ( odious)
  4. malevolence (hostility)
  5. misanthrope (hater of man kind)
  6. scorned (disliked)

 bad manners

  1. anomie (lack of moral standard)
  2. barbaric (cruel)
  3. feral( wild)
  4. gaudy (insipid)
  5. implacable (cruel)
  6. iniquity (evil)
  7. paddy (rage)
  8. peccadillo (small fault)
  9. rakish (immoral)
  10. virago (aggressive women)
  11. Xanthippe (virago)
  12. xenophobic(intolerant)


  1. askance (indirect glance)
  2. cynical (doubtful)
  3. impugn (dispute)
  4. skeptic (cynic)
  5. scruple (hesitation)
  6. skeptical (doubt full)
  7. premonition (feeling about bad suspicion)

hotels & bars

  1. bistro (cafe)
  2. smorgasbord (self service meal)
  3. spa (resort)
  4. table d' hote (fixed price meal)


  1. palatable (appetizing)
  2. Seder (Jewish feast)
  3. patisserie (cake shop)
  4. potable (drinkable)
  5. provender (food)


  1. belated (happening late)
  2. defer (late)
  3. inertia (inactive)
  4. jejune (dull)
  5. menial (unskilled)
  6. torpid (inactive)
  7. vegetative (do nothing)
  8. pedestrian (dull)
  9. immobilize (disable)

Credits: Taniya Sadia

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