Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 5)

                                                   Part 5


  1. blandish (flatter)
  2. cosset (pamper)
  3. coquetry (flirting)
  4. fawning (servile)
  5. glib (smooth talking)
  6. sycophant (toady)
  7. wheedle (coax)

 cheat & tricky

  1. artifice (cunning)
  2. bamboozle (cheat)
  3. beguile (fool)
  4. covert (hidden)
  5. gambit (scheme)
  6. mountebank (quack)
  7. perfidious(cunning)
  8. perfidy( duplicity)
  9. scam (cheat)
  10. stratagem (trick)


  1. devious (dishonesty)
  2. duplicitous (deceptive)
  3. finagle (deceive)
  4. Sandbagger (cunning)
  5. mulct (cheat)
  6. venality (fraud)
  7. disingenuous (dishonest)

Greek mythology

  1. Adonis (handsome men)
  2. amazon (strong women)
  3. Asgard (mythical heaven)
  4. bacchanal (marry making)
  5. hector (bully)
  6. Cerberus (mythical dog)
  7. dryad (nymph)
  8. Edda (collections of ballads)
  9. herculean (difficult)
  10. hydra (mythical snake)
  11. ichor (blood of gods)
  12. Nibelung (dwarf)
  13. Nike (Greek goddess of success)
  14. titan (giant)
  15. Xanadu (dreamland)


  1. alacrity (eagerness)
  2. auspicious (encouraging)
  3. avid (eager)
  4. brio (zest)
  5. effervescent (excited)
  6. exhortation (motivation)
  7. galvanize (motivate)
  8. impetuous (impulsive)
  9. impetus (motivation)
  10. incentive (motivation)
  11. stimuli (motivation)
  12. verve (enthusiasm)

funny / happy

  1. buoyant (happy)
  2. cloud nine (bliss)
  3. droll (funny)
  4. felicity (joy)
  5. halcyon (happy)
  6. jocund (happy)
  7. jocular (funny)
  8. mirth (great joy)
  9. sanguine (hopeful)
  10. serendipity (good luck)
  11. riff (joke)

Credits : Taniya Sadia