Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 4)

                                                                        Part 4


  1. crass (insentitive)
  2. dead head (fool)
  3. dunce (ass)
  4. flibbertigibet (silly)
  5. galoot (ugly men)
  6. inanity (silliness)
  7. mumbo jumbo (non sence)
  8. obtuse (stupid)

 ethical words

  1. august (eminent)
  2. beneficence (politeness)
  3. benign (gentle)
  4. chivalry (courtesy)
  5. cordial (freindly)
  6. cordiality (warmth)
  7. decorum (polite)
  8. dote (love)
  9. ethic (morality)
  10. giuleless (honest)
  11. humane (kind)
  12. largess (generoisty)
  13. magnanimous (generous)
  14. renege (default on)
  15. sensibility (feelings)
  16. treacly (over emotional)
  17. urbane (sophisticated)
  18. veracity (truth)

strong / strengthen / inflexible

  1. adamentine (infexible)
  2. coercive (forcefull)
  3. crenellate (fortified)
  4. intrasigent(resolute)
  5. onerous (tough)
  6. robust (strong)
  7. tenacious (strong)
  8. under gird (support)
  9. unregenerate(inflexible)

  fighting / murder / killing / attack

  1. bonk (slap)
  2. contusion (injury)
  3. cut and run (quick escape flee )
  4. genocide (mass murder)
  5. hammers & tongs (fight with energy)
  6. immolate (kill)
  7. joust (fight)
  8. onslaught (violent attack)
  9. paroxysm(attack)
  10. querulous (petulant)
  11. tussle(fight)
  12. vendetta (feud)
  13. whiplash (hit with whip)
  14. jack knife (blade)
  15. shrapnel (bullet)

  best choice /classic / perfect

  1. classic (perfect)
  2. copacetic (perfect)
  3. infallible (perfect)
  4. jingoism (extreme patriotism)
  5. irrefutable (certain)
  6. optimum (best)
  7. paragon (outstanding)
  8. peerless (matchless)
  9. quintessential (ideal)
  10. sui generis(unique)
  11. surrealistic(classic)
  12. uber (paragon)
  13. vintage (best choice)
  14. unmitigated (perfect)
  15. idealist (dreamer )


  1. comely (beautiful)
  2. contemporary (modern)
  3. lulu (outstanding women)
  4. lissome (thin and attractive)
  5. manicured (neat)
  6. modish (stylish )
  7. rakish (dashing )
  8. renovate (modernize)
  9. voguism (passion for fashion)

Credits : Taniya Sadia


  1. great effort tania sadia nad maths master :)

  2. excelent job...
    God bless u

  3. these r only 650 words tanya out of 872!!!
