Tuesday, September 3

Grouping of MCAT Vocabulary ( Part 10)

                                                                      Part 10

  1. mean (bad)
  2. predatory (reportorial)
  3. rapacious (greedy)
  4. voracious (greedy)
  5. voraciousness (greediness)


  1. covet (desire)
  2. ennui (dissatisfaction)


  1. frowzy (untidy)
  2. murky(dirty)
  3. opaque(cloudy)
  4. putrid (stinking)
  5. scutwork (dirty work)

teacher / guide

  1. Adonis (striking youth)
  2. guru (hindu or sikh religious teacher)
  3. imam (religious leader)
  4. shaman (religious specialist)
  5. docent (guide)
  6. mentor(guide)
  7. regime (rule)
  8. lodestar (guiding star)

knowledge / intelligent

  1. acumen (wisdom)
  2. adage (wise saying )
  3. apprehension (understanding)
  4. incisive (intelligent)
  5. judicious (wise)
  6. ken (knowledge)
  7. nuance (slight difference)
  8. sagacity (wisdom)
  9. perspicacious (wise)
  10. wunderkind (genius)

lecture / speech

  1. discourse (speech)
  2. harangue (long lecture )
  3. jeremiad (long sad complaint)
  4. peroration (speech)


  1. militate (prevent)
  2. preclude (prevent)
  3. regnant (controlling)
  4. preemptive (preventive)


  1. accrue (accumulate)
  2. ameliorate (enhance)
  3. amenities (comforts)
  4. enhance (increase)
  5. crescendo (a gradual increase)
  6. stagflation (increase in prices)

top point / juncture / low point

  1. tipping point (climax)
  2. transcend (top)
  3. vertex (top)
  4. juncture (a particular point moment)
  5. nadir (lowest point)
  6. menial (lowly)
  7. relegate (downgrade)

wine words

  1. claret (red wine)
  2. cuvee (a single batch of wine)
  3. sec (tasteless champagne)
  4. vintner (somebody who sells wine)


  1. ambulatory (adapted for walking)
  2. divagate (stray)
  3. mosey (ambell)
  4. sidle (sneak)

Belonging to people

  1. actuary (accountant)
  2. aboriginal (native)
  3. arbiter (a person who settles disputes)
  4. hawk (a war like person)
  5. dark horse (winner)
  6. innocuous (harmless)
  7. kahuna (important person)


  1. acquiesce (to accept without arguing)
  2. assimilate (make an idea acceptable)
  3. assume (accept that something is true)
  4. condone (to accept something that is morally bad)
  5. premise(assumptions)
  6. supposition (idea)


  1. afflatus (strong creative impulse)
  2. chimerical (fabulous)
  3. el dorado (an imaginary place of great wealth)
  4. figment (fancy)
  5. mesmerize (captivate)

  1. cast (act of throwing something)
  2. defenestration (act of throwing)
  3. jettison (throw out)
  4. precipitate (throw)
  5. prune (trim)

Credits : Taniya Sadia


  1. Is these parts contain all the vocab words... ???

  2. Thankx a lot

  3. other words with similar meaning as greedy are 'revenous' and gluttonous'

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