Tuesday, October 28

Cadets and their types

Types of Cadets in Army Medical College (AMC-NUST)

There are three type of cadets

  1. Cadets
  2. Nust cadets
  3. Paying cadets 
1) Cadets

  • Only boys can apply for this category
  • They have to pass the ISSB test to get selected
  • Don’t have to  pay tuition fee or other fee, they get paid during their 5/4 years of study but they have a bond of 13 years, that is they cant leave army before 13 years of service 
2) Nust cadets 

  • Selected on open merit, both girls and boys have equals chances of getting in . 
  • Only have to appear in NET (NUST entry test ) which is now conducted thrice a year, you can give all the 3 test or 2 or just 1, your choice and what suits you the most, the test in which you score the most will be considered, 
  • Nust cadets have no bond, they can continue or leave the army as per their will, after the graduation
3) Paying cadets 

  • These are the seats for army reserving or retired.
  • They are selected on merit, they have to appear in NET and their merit is bit lower than the open merit (NUST cadets) depending on how much others have scored. They just have to submit a form that will be available in GHQ (in june/july)
  • Their fee is less than the NUST cadets, they have a bond of 3 years that is they have to serve army for 3 years, if they leave before 3 years, they have to submit a fine of 1,2 or 3 lacs depending in which year they have resigned.


  1. Why is the PC fee lesser than NC!
    Lol. Now I feel like I shouldn't have scored too much :P

  2. Hahaha :D
    Its because of the Bond they sign @_@

  3. And u are the 3rd merit position holder at Nust ? 175 marks? :p

  4. Correction 178 :P
    Btw as I'm free these days I would really like to contribute to this blog if you guys allow me to.

    You guys are doing a great job. Thumbs up :)

  5. yeah sure :)
    Contact me on facebook.
    ID: https://www.facebook.com/maths.master.1

  6. Sorry I deleted my facebook some time ago :/ is there any other way?

  7. Yep email would be fine. Here's mine

  8. aoa.how much seats in AMC for SAT students?

  9. What is the fee for Nustian cadets??
