Monday, October 29

The Road To MCAT 2012

The Story of a student ...                                        

I am an ordinary student and was not the leading star. Though I always wished for being the No.1 . I am not as spiky and cannot beat most of you at brilliance and intelligence. But in the MCAT 2012, I did it. Not through my brilliance or sharpness or intelligence; but through three unique characteristics.

These three characteristics are different from the above mentioned ones but are equally powerful. These are resilience, will-power, and hard-work. Brilliance is nullified by resilience, sharpness by will-power and intelligence by hard-work.

                                                      The Year 2011

I’ll always remember 2011 as the most difficult year of my life. I scored less marks in F.Sc. (887/1100). I did not learn from my shortcomings in F.Sc. and continued the trend till MCAT 2011. I never took notice of myself and kept on wasting time. I never realized that tomorrow my dad has to step down and I have to take his place. I never looked at the merit lists of 2009 and 2010. All the year I kept thinking that 80% is more than enough. I never understood that in a country like Pakistan, there is a heavy competition for survival. You take a short nap somewhere in between and you are left way behind.

The biggest obstacle in my life that kept me away from success was Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook. I look behind and see myself sitting all day long on Facebook aimlessly; and now I think what the heck was I doing? I could have used Facebook to learn the concepts.  I could have used it to practice MCQs which are posted on a lot of pages that aim to help you out in studies. But sadly all I did was to use it for “chatting and talking”. (I still do it, it is such an addiction. But there is a lot of difference in my today and my yesterday).But Facebook is not the only culprit. Cable TV is also a major hindrance in my way.

It was as late as mid-July, when I seriously started preparing for the entry test. At first I calculated the ration between four subjects and two months. I made a plan and followed it. I started with Chemistry as I thought it is the most difficult out of the four. At first everything was right but in a week I sensed that I am lagging behind my chalked out plan. So, instead of the planned 20 days, it took me 30 days to complete Chemistry.

I had 30 days now and 3 subjects, Physics, Biology and English. I started with Physics because I thought it had a short syllabus and 44 marks. Again unexpectedly my days of preparation were exceeded. So, I was left with just 15 days and 2 subjects.
I had to go for Biology then. I surely would not let go of 88 marks of Biology for just 30 of English. I tried my level best then but I could only complete 75% Biology in the last 15 days. And well, I never really had the time to take a look at English. That meant that I went in the exam center on 13th September 2011, without full preparation.

Another blunder that I made was that I never thought about the required aggregates at the beginning of the year. And at the end when I needed to fully concentrate on my preparations, I overly indulged in calculating the required aggregates. I used to spend an hour to calculate how much marks I will get in the entry test. It began from 1000 max. and fell to 975 max. That was because at first I was sure that according to my plan I will complete my syllabus and at the end I left 1/4th of Biology and the whole of English. Not only an hour was lost a day, but also I kept pressurizing myself unnecessarily.
All that stupidity cost me a year. I didn’t sleep well on 13th September, 2011 just because of listlessness and untrustworthy future. That interrogative question, “What will happen?” is the most terrifying question that kept on haunting me.
The next day was not very good. I performed well in Physics and Chemistry but not that good Biology. And well, English? I left all the synonyms in English. That was my downfall. The result came and I calculated that I had scored 874/1100. There was a difference of 101 marks between pre-exam calculation and post-exam result.

                                                      The Year 2012

It is a heartrending experience when you don’t find your name in the merit list. It was the end. The dream that my whole family saw was shattered. It was like that I will never be able to look in the eyes of my parents ever again and walk with my head erect.

To my utmost surprise, “my parents” even though I shattered their dreams, did not stop loving me. They supported me throughout.
I stood in front of the mirror. I looked at myself. I looked in my own eyes. I’d let my eyes to talk silently. And that was the moment when it all changed.

First thing I did was that I wrapped up all the stuff that tried to stop me from achieving my aims. I deactivated my Facebook accounts. I surrendered watching TV. I surrendered playing in the street/ground etc.

Not asceticism, but I was doing what I realized I had to do to challenge the brilliance, sharpness and intelligence of others. I used my weapons of resilience, will-power and hard-word. I was resilient i.e., I was able to overcome those particular difficulties through my devotion.

I ‘made’ a plan in 2011 but I ‘organized’ a plan in 2012. I sat down and thought about all the mistakes that I made last year. I made a program to learn from them and to nullify them. My first challenge was English. Being good at English simply meant that I can raise 50-60 marks from the English section.

I used my laptop to find the meanings/synonyms. I didn’t write just one meaning of a word. In fact I wrote down 12 meanings from 3 online dictionaries for each word. Synonym is just a short-cut way of learning. I didn’t follow that.

Well that is hard-work, as it took me 6 months to record all the meanings. And once English was a ‘no problem’, I started concentrating on the Science subjects

I started with the Physical Chemistry. I studied thoroughly the whole of the Physical Chemistry. But I did not put it aside as a ‘finished job’. I started Inorganic Chemistry and thoroughly studied it and again did not put it aside as a done thing. Then I started Organic Chemistry.

The theme was different this time because I did not forget about the previous sections. When I was doing Inorganic Chemistry, I was revising Physical Chemistry too. When I was doing Organic Chemistry, I was revising Physical and Inorganic Chemistry too. So, there was not a chance of any section to be forgotten. In the same way I did physics and biology.

If I want to summarize the points of difference between 2011 and 2012 then:

1. I never thought of “failure” in 2012.
2. I planned everything and kept my plan flexible.
3. I gave myself more time to complete the syllabus.
4. I didn’t pressurize myself by thinking about the aggregates and merit.
5. I didn’t let myself get sick/down by trying to over-do.
6. I kept myself honest and up to the task all the time.
7. I always reminded myself of the reward that I will get after the MCAT.
8. I completed the whole syllabus. I went for 1100/1100.
9. I only studied those topics which were in the syllabus.
10. I kept praying to God. I kept asking for His help.

And here it was. I never felt more relaxed during an examination. Maybe that was because of the confidence that I had gained through my hard-work. During the exam I kept on smiling. Because I already knew I was through even before I saw the test. And well, from the shattered pieces of my dreams in 2011, I re-constructed my dreams again. Bit by bit I arranged my dreams all over again. The result came and I scored 998/1100. The difference remained the same i.e., of 102 marks between the pre-test calculation of 1100/1100 and the post-test result.

Still anything can happen. But I know one thing, that I honestly did my job. I am contended. In this time span I learned a lot of things. Some people said “I wasted a year of my life”. But now I look at the road to MCAT 2012 and say “No, I didn’t waste a year at all. In fact I learned from it. And when you learn something from something, it isn’t wasted.”

                                                       MCAT 2013

My road to MCAT 2012 was successful. How about yours? If you didn’t succeed in MCAT 2012 then you should realize that it is not the time to cry over spoiled milk. In fact you can go hammer and tongs at it once again. All you have to do is to learn from your mistakes and try to improve the areas where you are weak.

History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present towards the future. Remember that winners never quit and quitters never win.

What can I do?
You can do anything you want to. You can take 1100/1100 if you want to. All you need to do is to build the confidence in yourself. And how can you build the confidence in yourself? That can be done by covering the whole syllabus. When you know that you have learned everything, you’ll see the difference in yourself.

When can I start?
 Start right now. No need to start at full pace. Take it easy at first. Build the tempo and then slowly and gradually reach the climax. Always start by making plans. Try to organize yourself and your available time.
Can I do it?
 If 3000+ students can do it then why can’t you? Always remember, use all of your resources. Resources are not only the material things but also qualities like intelligence, hard-work, devotion, etc. Don’t even think about “failure”. The more you think of it the more you’ll be pressurized. Be calm.

The following points can help you out:

1) When you start your program, always start spiritually. Start with a prayer. A prayer will lift you up morally and spiritually. Always ask for His help. My strongest statement “with Allah Mighty’s help I can just do anything”.

2) Keep your books etc. organized. They all should be available readily. Don’t waste time or tire yourself in finding books and copies and notes.

3) Sleep well (you should sleep for 8-9 hours daily).

4) Start with English; many of the words that are enlisted in the UHS syllabus are present in our textbooks. So, when you finish English you’ll be able to revise them.

5) Near me, the online dictionaries are the best choice if you want to record all the word meanings. Try to do it all by yourself. This will help you a lot. Don’t ask for other people to provide you with word synonyms. Do it yourself.

The best online dictionaries are:
Just write “Define: xyz” in the Google search bar. Where ‘xyz’ is any of the 872 words you are given. This will give you the definition of the word you are searching for. This was the main secret behind my score of 30/30 in English this year.

The second best choice, if you are not finding a word in Google dictionary or if you are not satisfied with the meanings found there.

The third best choice, this site however has an extra edge on the above mentioned sites because it also provides you with synonyms. For more synonyms you can search its sister site

6) English is not all about words synonyms. You also need to know the basics of Grammar.  It is “High School English Grammar by Wren and Martin”. It is a wonderful book and you should try to solve all of its exercises. It will be good for your preparations.

7) Now some talk about Chemistry:

- Physical Chemistry -

Out of the 58 marks of Chemistry 18 come from this section. For the Chemistry 11 (although rewards only 18 marks) you have to do a lot. If you have the Chemistry 11 of the Punjab textbook board then you need not study Chapter no.2 (Experimental techniques in Chemistry). You can also leave a major portion of Chapter no.9 (Solutions). But if you ask me, then just leave the second chapter and read the remaining chapters thoroughly. Don’t waste time in solving exercises. But if you have a lot of time, do attempt the exercises of Chapter no.1 (Basic Concepts). And do give special importance to Chapter no. 7,8,10 and 11(Heat and Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, Electrochemistry and Reaction Kinetics).

- Inorganic Chemistry -

 Just read the Chemistry 12 from Chapter no.1 to 6 and you’ll be all fine. In fact if you just follow the syllabus of UHS then you’ll just need to study Chapter no.1 (Periodic Classification of Elements and Periodicity), some topics of Chapter no.2 (s-Block elements) which include page no. 26 to 29, some topics of Chapter no. 3 (Group III-A and IV-A Elements) which include page no. 44 to 48, some topics of Chapter no.4 (Group V-A and VI-A Elements) which include page no. 61 to 62 and 70 to 72, some topics of Chapter no.5 (The Halogens and The Noble Gases) which include page no. 79 to 84 and 93, and some topics of Chapter no.6 (Transition Elements) which include page no. 97 to 105.

However, your F.Sc. books don’t give you any information about some topics that are listed in the UHS syllabus, for example, Inertness of Nitrogen. For that you need to search the internet for an answer. Just make sure that YOU DON’T SKIP ANYTHING MENTIONED IN THE SYLLABUS JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR LAZINESS.

And also there are some topics in the Inorganic Chemistry that are mentioned in the UHS syllabus but are not found in Chapter no. 1 to 6 of Chemistry 12. Don’t worry; they are present in your books. You just need to search for them like for example …uses of chlorine in water purification and as a bleaching agent, is not found in the first six chapters. It is however a part of Chapter no. 16 (Environmental Chemistry).
- Organic Chemistry -

Although it seems to be the most difficult portion of the most difficult subject to me; it is in fact very easy. It is easy not because you can understand it quickly but because its ‘content’ is very ‘small’ in the UHS syllabus. If you can read and understand and remember all the Organic Chemistry chapters then you are the king! But if you think that you aren’t the king then you can select a few topics for selective reading and become the prince (“Shahzada”) instead.

A very good way to get the hold of organic chemistry is given below:

1. Carefully read all the topics mentioned in the UHS syllabus for organic chemistry.

2. Open your book and start copying anything you find that is in accordance with the UHS syllabus on a register.
3. It will hardly take you 2 or 3 days to virtually copy/paste the topics that you need to study according to the UHS syllabus.

4. Read the whole organic chemistry part from your book.
5. Read the whole organic chemistry part from your register.

You will find that the register you just made is far too easy than the book. And you know? Almost 90% of the organic chemistry section in MCAT will come from your register. It happened to me too. Revise and revise again.

So, all you need to do is to try to make an ‘Organic Chemistry Register’ for yourself. You can include diagrams as well and anything that you have learned in the college or in the academy.

8) Now, time for some Physics:

Not a big deal when it comes to reading. If you have the Physics 11 (Punjab Text Book) then just read out the following pages:

Page no. 1-6, 16-19, 36-42, 54-55, 99-104, 108-110, 116-118, 123-124, 127-138, 141-158, 161-172, 184-189, 193-211, 214-233, 237-256.

And from Physics 12 (Punjab Text Book) just read out the following pages:

Page no. 1-7, 9-14, 22-27, 31-40, 56-63, 68-70, 135-142, 146-147, 167-171, 208-212, 213-216, 219-222, 226-238, 249-254.

But your F.Sc. books will only help you out in developing basic knowledge (which you already have). For a better insight, you’ll need to consult A-level books (if you are a non A-level student). Anyway, there is a section of “Bibliography” at the end of the books. Maybe, choose a book from there and try it out. I did not try them and in the exam hall I badly felt that I should have read another book just to expand my “views” about the subject. The bottom line is you have to make your concepts clear.

Try to give more attention to numerical problems. And try to solve as many as you can. Physics is the subject which implies the law, ‘Practice makes a man perfect.” 

9) At last, but not the least; Biology:

Major part of Biology section is the Human Anatomy and Physiology. You should try to master its sub-sections. It is quite easy but needs hard work because you have to remember the names and the numbers. Don’t forget to read the ‘diseases/preventions/treatments’ given in the books because most of the MCQs are about them. These are not only in the Human Anatomy and Physiology section but also in other sections too. As it holds a high percentage of marks (88/220) so, you should give proper attention to this subject. In fact it is the major thing that will decide that you get in the 1000s line or remain in the 800s/900s line.

The following points should be kept in mind while preparing for Biology:

- Don’t read the whole books. That is time consuming and won’t be of much help. Just be selective in your preparation.

- Make sure that you revise your syllabus at least 10-12 times before the doomsday (MCAT 2013) :). The more you read and the more you repeat, the more you know and the more you remember.

- Also take a look at the associated diagrams. Many of the MCQs come from the diagrams.

- When you are reading again and again then just don’t try to overdo anything. I mean that there is no need to complete the whole syllabus in one day (except the last week). Just keep it slow.

- If you don’t understand something, then take help either from Wikipedia or from friends/teachers. Just don’t leave anything

10) Now some points that don’t include STUDY but will help you:

- I studied for 18 hours a day when preparing for MCAT. But I realized now that 12-14 hours is more than enough if you have started preparing for it long ago. (i.e., from January or February).

- Be cool and be flexible in your planning. There is no need to complete the whole syllabus in one week or even one month. Organize a plan and work accordingly. Always keep room for your plan. In fact I changed my plan every month, that not only made me flexible but kept me calm and also I didn’t get bore due to the changing routine. You know you get bored with the same routine all the time.

- Always try to keep the weekend off. And when you are on a ‘holiday’ try to do something that you like the most.

- When you feel tired, take a short nap. After refreshing yourself; start again. Just don’t study with a headache.

- Try to drink a glass of milk (with sugar) before the test or eat a bar of chocolate. Sugar provides you with glucose. Brain uses that glucose to work efficiently and properly.

- Stay calm at the test centre. Don’t be depressed. Just stay cool and try to keep a smile. 

- Keep your eyes open during the test. Don’t fill in the wrong bubbles just because of your tension.

- If you don’t know the answers of any question then DON’T attempt it. There is 75% chance that you will lose a mark (Actually you will lose 6 marks).

- Don’t mind the aptitude test if it does not affect your merit and aggregate. Just take it easy.

Well that’s all. I shared my experience with you guys. This article is just to tell you that you can pick yourself up even after a fall. Just do the basics right and you will be over the line. Give it all you got! Who knows maybe you’ll be the next KANZA NOOR BUTT? Or even better! All the best…

Article Written by Ahsan Javed 


  1. Concept acha he but itni lambi post nai krtae k koi parhtae parhtae e thak jae :D !!!

  2. hmm. yep u are right... but is case mein karna pari na...

  3. nice yara ..........very heart touching article likha hai.....good

  4. it's just awesome... same is my case...

  5. IT IZ THE BEST.realy it iz. inspiration for students...and frsh students cant understand how much it iz difficult t opass through phase of repeating the mcat...

  6. this is very good source of inspiration for me.....
    inshalah i'll follow it in this year....thanks for writing this!!!!

  7. Wow.. the story is awesome. And the way you came back in the MCAT is the result of your resilience, will-power and hardwork. And the way Ahsan writes story in English language is symbolic of Ahsan's grip on English in MCAT year 2012.I didn't find even a single mistake in the whole story regarding grammar or spellings. Well done Ahsan. And fine composing by hassan shahbaz. The lesson of the story and way of preparation described in it, I think, MUST BE in the mind of every MCAT student.Ahsan told a great method of memorizing, well expertizing, the ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. I've got 1035 AlhamduliLLAH, the very first year and hope the readers of this blog will do so.
    I'll add the same story to my own blog so that my classfellows could learn a lot.. They will learn for sure..

  8. I can't tell you how inspired I am by your post and relieved to. I have 886 marks in FSc and did not make it this time. But i'm planning to take mcat again. Everyone is telling me that with 886 marks in FSc, nothing will change for me even this time? I really need your feedback on this.

    1. Ofcourse it can change . just work hard, keep ur goal in ur mind everytime and learn from ur last year experience. you can enter in medical clg with these marks provided u get good marks in MCAT .

    2. i didn't read the complete article , just 1 overlook li, it's a gud article, r new students k liay kafi kuch hy, pora experience share kiya ahsan javed ny apna, mera experience b kuch milta julta hi hy, r bht sy studnts ka takebn aisa hi hota, nae any waly students ko parhkr kafi help mily gi.

  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Also please do tell us, in which college the inspirational student in the article gets in this year :D

  10. Looking forward to know where this student got in! :D

  11. DEAR BROTHEr ,, thanks alot.. :)))))

  12. Dear bro its really heart touching topic for me as I'm a repeater ,thankuuuuuuuu sooooo much :)

  13. excellent Ahsan javed , u are a great man...I want to talk to you.....

  14. it is simply awesome n you have used the best motivating words :) facing the same situation now a days that you have encountered last year as well.. with least courage, many doubts of not getting admitted but now i am confident that i can do it as well. as you have done this amazingly.. following the same routines of study like of urs. and hopeful about the success. thanks fo sharing such a lovely story to encourage students like me. ALLAH almighty will bless you for this,amen

  15. awesome it is... Allah bless you.

  16. An inspiring story indeed

  17. What did you prepare for grammar portion?

  18. High School English Grammar by Wren and Martin.


  20. great source of inspiration u r for the juniors ahsan!! :)
    I am proud of u being a rawalian !!

  21. n 4 all the ppl jo entry test day rhy iss yr,iss baat pr yaqeen rakhain kay ALLAH kabi aap ki ksi bi mehnat ko zaaya nahi karay ga,jis level ki aap mehnat karain gay,jald ya ba-dair,aap ko result zarur milay ga us kay mutaabik!!

  22. Woah! Way to go Ahsan (Y)A great inspiring write up :)


  24. good story. mai ne iss saal appear hona hai for the first time i got 424 in first year .i am soo scared but unfortunately i have read this artcle now .i think i am late for this.soo lets see what happened

  25. I got 789 in fsc. Ive already been working on mcat from the day I got to know about it, but i got to know about the test 30 days ago. I never knew mcat existed. Im new to this country. Will I be able to make it ?

  26. please guide me any one for mcat physics preparation .i find it bit tough

  27. the things i got from ths page...... i cnt tell u ths thngs needed me more at ths time .thns ahsan bhai

  28. awww story iz also like diz one..aftr MCAT rzlt i thought my
    life iz end nothing more to do.... bt today aftr reading thiz one my
    aim raised again n i promise to myself i'll do it again I.A...i'll try
    my best for next year you guyz just pray for me :)

  29. best of luck :)

  30. thankxx ....i want to ask something... syllabus of MCAT 2014 iz same as 2103 ???

  31. yeah most probably it will be the same.

  32. in which college ur now bhai ? n ur matric ..Fsc n Mcat mrks plz?

  33. he is in RMC, mcat marks 980

  34. simply awesome! Behind the all great stuff u shared about MCAT preparation one thing that really surprises is that still people like u are there in our country who dont just think about their own success but also want others to have the success story opted! an excellent effort indeed a SADQA JARIYA :-)

  35. 917/1050 in matric and 887 in FSc

  36. guyz i scored 984/1050 in matric, 970/1100 in fsc. but scored only 872 in mcat should i repeat.? is there any chance for me getting admission in NMC in year 2014 considering increasing merit please guide me friends

  37. i am a repeater.i have to ask that should i join kips session fromm 20 jan2014 or i should prepare for it at home?

  38. i live in bahria convence is really a big issue.

  39. whats ur score in fsc ?

  40. i have got 989 marks in fsc and got 886 marks in entry test.pleaseletme know that i should join kips session or not?

  41. please someone tell me which is the best guide to practice mcqs for mcat preparation?

  42. Please tell me.i am really tensed

  43. you should prepare at home and join acadmy only for the test session.

  44. Thanks.please tell e about any guide to practice mcqs at home.onceagain thankyou so much!

  45. there are a lot of Facebook pages and groups made in this regard, u can join them..

  46. we are going to start a magazine series, that will be helpful :)
    plus you can join different pages of facebook

  47. are you a meical student?in which college you are?

  48. are you a medical student?in which college you are?what do you do?

  49. we have a complete team, members from different colleges :)

  50. are you a medical student?

  51. right now its admin from non med side.
    If you have any question you can ask, the other admins will answer when they will be here

  52. no i mean the one who is answering all of my questions.because i want that person to answer my questions who has gone through this process.

  53. most part of chapter 5 physical chemistry is not included in uhs should leave that part

  54. should i prepare at home..?

  55. Are you a repeater ?

  56. yes i am a reeater with 970 in fsc looking for admission in NMC

  57. please tell's really important

  58. i am a repeator. i have 996 mrks in fsc. should i prepare at home or join an academy for mcat preparation?

  59. you can join the academy for the test session only. and learn on your own at home.

  60. i am weak in physics. please suggest me best books for physics to clear my concepts?

  61. I am repeater having 970 marks in fsc should i join star or kips academy or prepare at home..??

  62. prepare at home, join academy for test session .

  63. Khawaja Umair8 May 2014 at 20:20

    Which academy..??

  64. i have just 870 story is same like this.meray pas time b km hai q k me ne last year repeat kiya tha aur ab bsc1 k papers diye hain.i have just one month free before starting bsc clasess.
    kya itne say time me kch ho skta hai

  65. What worries me is that if it takes 12 hours everyday if you start in February, how much time will it take now with just one month left ?????????????????????????????
    Please Help, I am a former A level student but my marks are good enough for me to have a realistic chance in Allama Iqbal Medical College.

  66. I was and still am very bad at picking things up quickly. :P In my class at RMC I have even seen students who have scored 1050+ with just "1" month of studying before the test.

  67. How many are those former A level students? :p

  68. That I do not know :/

  69. I have 960 marks in FSC equivalence, admission in Allama Iqbal is possible. Plz help, how should I study in these 18 days? Help me get 1000+ marks. Also I can't seem to manage MCAT Physics and English Vocabulary!!


  71. You'll have to make a plan of studying 17-18 hours per day for the next 18 days. Split the time into 4 zones. One for each subject. As Physics and English are your weak points then give them a little bit more attention.

    Wake up at 7 a.m.

    From 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. go through your Biology chapters as much quickly as you can. The fast and speedy approach should cover all of your MCQs.

    From 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Give some time to the 'mentioned' reactions of Chemistry (only the mentioned ones).

    Lunch Break till 3 a.m.

    From 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. Do the English Vocabulary Portion starting from the first word.

    From 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. give time to Physics.

    Dinner Break till 10 a.m.

    Revise your words of English from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.

    And then go to bed... 7 hours sleep is enough for you especially in the exam days.

  72. And if you don't have time to find the English Words from the dictionary then get them from here.

  73. Much Much appreciated Brother Much appreciated. Thanks 4 taking the time to answer my question. Just what I needed, a well worked out plan. Thanks alot Ahsan Bhai.

  74. Is it possible to study for only 10 days and still get 990 marks?? :P

  75. Your aggregate is 41.5? O.o
    For medical colleges of Punjab you'll need an aggregate of at least 84% to be in with a chance.
    Good luck.

  76. Anything is possible. It all depends on your luck. By studying more you make your 'luck' better. Suppose if there are right now 1 in a 100 chance that you will score 990; maybe if you studied for 20 days instead of 10, then you might have had 1 in a 50 chance of scoring 990. :P
    Hardwork increases your chances of success.
    Good luck.

  77. Ahsan Bhai do you think that UHS waalay will postpone the MCAT test O.o??

  78. Also RMC looks really awesome to me :D. I think around 970 marks will be required by me to get in, is it easy to get 970? O.o?

  79. In fact I have a 43.72 aggregate out of 50 in FSC + Matric, how many marks do I require for RMC? and are these marks easy to get? O.o?

  80. All copy paste by me on my register...
    as I am student of 2nd year now....
    I use Sir Ahsan studly policy From now........... :)
    Thanks for giving us such a Nice stuff to achieve our goals.....
    I have some queries too...
    But i ask them later... In sha ALLAH.....
    and Hats off Sir Ahsan javed.........

    Again Thanks alot..........

  81. AOA. Hmmm... if the current situation of unrest prevails then it might be delayed because a lot of students would want to enter Rawalpindi from the roads of Islamabad, which have been blocked by the government. Our send-ups have been delayed. So the possibility is there. But let us hope that it all ends peacefully sooner rather than later. :)

  82. RMC has 2 campuses. "Old campus" is for the 1st and 2nd years and the "New campus" is for the 3rd, 4th and Final years. First 4-5 months in RMC are fun. (Ragging, meeting new people, new life style, lots of fun events where you can show off your talents, etc.) Then the going gets tough as they bombard you with tests after tests :D

  83. I think RMC will close at ~86%. To be on a safer side, let's say that you need 87% to be sure. 950-960 marks in MCAT should secure you a seat in RMC. :/ Good luck. :)

  84. Ahsan Bhai if you got 30 in English, where did you lose marks and why? What can we do to avoid these mistakes?

  85. Physics \(-_-)/
    That was a little bit confusing. That is why I recommend to add an A-level book along with an F.Sc book for the physics portion. :/

  86. Physics -_-
    Add an A-level book while preparing from the F.Sc book.

  87. When will the official mcat result be released?????

  88. Please spare some time, are CMH and Shalamar both better than Shifa?? Which one should I join?

  89. Within 10 days...

  90. First the public sector medical colleges of Punjab... KEMU, AIMC, SIMS, SZMC, AMC, NMC, PMC, RMC, QAMC, and so on...

    Then the Army Medical College (and NUST).

    Then FM&DC (if its issues have been resolved).

    Then Wah Medical College.

    This is the most preferred order of medical colleges by the students of Punjab.

    All other private medical colleges like CMH, Shalimar, IMDC, or Shifa have the same caliber.

  91. Synonyms kr lo tau kafi had tak baki ki tyari bhi ho jati ha. Past papers dekho aur unn ma dekho ke wo kis qism ke sawalat puuch rhay. English ka grammar portion usually asaan hi hota ha agar synonyms atay hon aur do chaar rules pta hon.

    Notes? Well, mere paas word/meanings 3 registers ma bhra parra ha. 300 in each register with full meanings. Par that is in hand-written form... can't upload it :P

  92. haha
    fir courier kraw 2 :P

  93. i am now looking forward to fmdc test .i am confused that is test ki preparation kasy karun.plz help me.i hv got 971 marks in saal adm lena iz vary important for me plzzzzzzzzzz .i need ur help.

  94. i didn't succeed in mcat just bcoz of fear of failure and this fear is haunting me again as i m looking forward to fmdc test.i got 971 marks in fsc.ahsan bhai i need ur help.plz suggest me w8 i do just to get through this test which iz more difficult than mcat

  95. You have got 971 marks in FSc? And you are still afraid? -_- Anyway, well for the FMDC test, you have to go through your whole books. I gave the FMDC test 2 times (without preparing for a single day) and scored 70/100 on both occasions :P
    I wasn't interested in FMDC. So I didn't work hard for it. But if you try hard and score 90+, then you may have a strong case.
    If (khudanakhawasta) you aren't able to achieve it, then don't worry, go through your books all over again and come back with vengeance next year. :)
    Good Luck.

    "Maali da kam pani dena, bhar bhar mashkaa'n paway... Maalik da kam phal phul lana, laway ya na laway."

  96. 971 is a big nmbr bt when a girl with 1029 marks is sitting in front of u then this nmbr looks odd.hamary eng k sr ko funy batain krny k ilawa kuch nai ata tha so no one crossed 77bt i got 87 which was mojza i think 971 is a mojza and mojzy hr dafa nai hoty ap ny vengeance ka wrd use kia i m also nt interested in fmdc bt i want adm in it jst to get revenge 4rm my rudy classfelos who were might be jealous of my intelligence and tried to defame me on colg trip.khair my ny b brpoor jawab phy teachr told me that i m even better than maham fazal(acadmy my mery sath thi who got third position in premedicl) and mera adm rmc my ho jae ga jo k ni huwa bcoz sir was wrong maham was determined cnfidnt girl while i m not genuis and determined.i m scary girl jo asmaan ko choona chaati hy mgr mehnat nai krna chati. rmc iz my dream and fmdc iz revenge.aftr taking revenge i wil fulfil my dream.this is my aim i dnt know i wil achieve my goal or not.14 days ar

  97. 971 is a big numbr bt when a girl with 1029 marks is sitting beside u then this nmbr looks odd. i m also not interested in fmdc bt i want adm in it this year just to take revenge 4rm my rudy classfelos who were might be jealous of my intelligence and always tried to defame sir told me that i was even better than maham fazal(acdmy my mery classfellow thi and got 3rd position in premedicl)and i would get adm in rmc bt sir was wrong bcz maham was determined and confident while i m not.i m not genius and cnfidnt.i m scared of every thing. RMC is my dream and FMDC is revenge.After taking revenge i will fulfil my dream.this is my aim.BUT BUT BUT 15 days r gone now and i hv nt studied even a single word.motivational stories,quotations etc r not making a minor change in my attitude and routine.before doomsday(jis ki sham i wil nvr forget when my family's eyes were wet with tears 4 the third time as my api's journey to rmc was not successful even after 2 years) evry morning i used to make a plan and next day wo plan dustbin ki nazr ho jato.and dr hy k yahi sb kuch dobara na ho jay. fear and procrastination are biggest obstacles on the road of success.vary depressed now.

  98. 971 is a big numbr bt when a girl with 1029 marks iz sitting beside u then this nmbr looks odd. i m also not interested in fmdc bt i want adm in it just to take revenge 4rm my rudy classfellows who were might be jealous of my intelligence and always tried to defame me.My sir told me that i was even better than maham fazal(acdmy my meri clasfelo thi and got 3rd position in premedicl) and i would get adm in rmc bt he was wrong bcoz maham was determined and confident while i m not genius.I m lazy and scary girl.before doomsday(jis ki sham i wil nvr forget when my family's eyes were wet with tears 4 the third time as my sister's journey to mcat was nt successful even after 2 year) evry morning i used to make a plan and next day wo plan dustbin ki nazr ho jata. RMC is my dream and FMDC iz revenge.After taking revenge i will fulfil my dream.this is my aim BUT BUT BUT 15 days r gone and i hv not studied even a single word.moreover motivational stories,quotations etc r not evn making a minor change in my attitude. FEAR ANFD PROCRASTINATION r biggest obstacles on the road of cmpletely depressed.

  99. A.O.A..i woukd likw to ask tht i got 935 marks n fsc n nw want to repeat because of my failure in Mcat!!!should i rpt 1st yr!!!my marks r 456!!em much more confused!!!!!cn anybody of u cn solve ss!!!!

  100. u don't need to improve ur whole 1st year.improve 2 or 4 sbjects.and practice mcqs for mcat.bcz entry test 2014 was bit difficult if cmpare it with previous papers.and cmpetition iz going to b more tough next was my opinion.agy ap ki wishes 4 u.

  101. hmmm...
    Well, look at things in a different way.
    1029 x 0.4 = 411.6
    971 x 0.4 = 388.4
    411.6 - 388.4 = 23.2
    23.2/1100 x 100 = 2.1091%
    So, the difference between you and the girl sitting next to you is just ~2.1% when you calculate on the basis of MCAT (Not above 5% which happens to be the answer when you calculate on the basis of F.Sc). You can erase this difference by scoring good/better marks in MCAT.

    Okay, now the planning...
    If you make a plan then you must follow it. And for following it you need to be a little smart. Look what you have in your artillery! 971 in F.Sc and 1 year of experience with MCAT. You need to understand that half of the job is done by securing 971 in F.Sc, and the other half needs to be done only. Use your experience, analyze the story that where did it go wrong.

    In my opinion, it is too early to start for MCAT preparation. Start from January. Your brain gets fatigued and it needs some time off. So, instead of starting right now, start from January. For the time being, just to keep in touch, do the English words. Ask anyone in the house to help you out with them. 10 words per day is enough to finish the whole English course before January. That will be a plus point.

    From January make a plan... a plan that is good and flexible... then follow it.

    Good luck little one :)
    Aur itna udaas nae hua krtay. Zindagi ma mushkal qawt ata rehta ha. Mujhe bhi yunhi lgta tha ke dunya andher hui vi ha meri. Aur phr mera dakhla ho gya. Aik saal sahi anni machai. Khuub enjoy kiya RMC ko, aur saal ke end pe paper aai tau dobara udaasi ke pass nae hona 1st year :( Par wo bhi pass ho gya aur ab dobara 2nd year ma udaas hun ke pass nae hona :( Ye sab chalta rehta ha.......... aisi zindagi ka kiya faida jis ma koi failiure hi na ho? :) Aap fail hotay hain tau pta chalta ha ke kamyabi kiya hoti ha. Awein har dfa kamyab hotay rho tau kamyabi ka charm bhi khatam ho jata ha. :)

    YOLO :D Live it :D

  102. Wassalaam. Ksi se confirm krwa lein magar jahan tak mujhe pta ha, ke FSc repeat krne se marks deduct NAHI hotay. Tau agar aap ko lgta ha ke ap improve kr skti ho tau kr lo.

    Good luck :)

  103. Thanks for ur suggestion!!Allah bless u:)

  104. I HV 933 marks in fsc 966in fsc and 865 in MCAT ? plz guide me what should I do next? how to prepare for fmdc test? should I rpeat a home or take admission in d pharmacy or dpt and repeat also?? Plz and me I'm much confused thnx.

  105. :O
    Ma ne itna barra reply likha tha... kidhar gya? :O

  106. MBBS is worth taking 2 chances. So, I would suggest that you stay at home for a year and prepare for the next encounter.
    - If you think that you can improve ~20 marks in F.Sc then for it.
    - And give a 101% in the MCAT 2015.

    FMDC test is conducted by NTS and their syllabus is same as the F.Sc. Going through your F.Sc books all over again is the only way to do it. Scoring 90+/100 will give you a chance.

    Some people take admission in Dpt etc., and prepare for the MCAT at home. But the thing that I am not sure of is that how can you focus on 2 things at a time. If you think that you can manage it then it is okay, otherwise, stay at home an try again. :)

    Good luck.

  107. Actually I HV repeated MCATonly this time. What u suggest now.iz there any acadmy for fmdc test prep. In Lahore. Iz there any contact no .of your az I need a detailed discussion about next step.plz guide me

  108. Actually I HV repeated only MCAT this yr . What u suggest now. Is there any academy for FMC test prep .in lhr. Iz there any cntct no of urz as I need a detailed guidance for next step. Plzzzz guide me ...:((

  109. Actually I repeated only MCAT this yr not fsc. My aggregate is 82.75 what u suggest now. Is there any academy for FMdc test lhr. Is there any contact no of urz because i need a detailed guidance for next step .plz bhai help me .plz guide me ..:((

  110. Wohi tau keh rha hun ke ghaib ho gya ha khud se :/

  111. Well if you ask me then I'll say that you should stay at home and prepare for the MCAT 2015, because it is worth another chance. If you take admission in Dpt or any other field then you will have to focus on 2 things instead of 1. Good luck. :)

  112. The FMDC test is based on the whole course of F.Sc; not just on the selected topics like in UHS-MCAT. So, you will have to revise your whole course. I live in Islamabad, so I don't know a lot about Lahore. Your teachers should know about the academies in Lahore. I was on Facebook and Twitter, but I have deactivated them. Now I am just on with the account named as drahsanjaved and with a DP of House M.D. :P

  113. aisa mery sath b huwa any way ap ny phly b suggestion di us ka shukria.......:).aur jo abi di us ka b shukria aur bt hy k 2nd my nai pr ski.........

  114. Thanks a lot may God bless u :))

  115. Thank you. :) I don't really know about that :D I had a friend in RMC-Dpt. But an year ago, she went away to a private medical college. That is all that I know about Dpt. :D

  116. Dobara likh dta hun. :P Sahid bohat lamba comment post nae hota iss jga pe :/

  117. FMDC is entirely based on F.Sc. Go through your books and that is the only way to do it. I gave it twice and both of the times I got 70/100 without studying. You need a 90+ score to be in with a chance. Good luck. :)

  118. In FSc the girl sitting next to you with a score of 1029 will have an advantage of more than 5%. But In MCAT the same girl will only have an effective advantage of 2.1%.

  119. Take your time. Start preparing for MCAT from January. For the time being just try to get a grip on thoase English words and try to solve as many past papers or other MCQs that you can find just to keep in touch. :)

  120. Prepare from your FSc books again and again. I am reallyy not that interested in FMDC so I don;t know much about it. I have given its test 2 times without studying and scored 70/100 each time. You'll need a 90+ to be in with a chance.

  121. Thnks a lot .may ,God bless u

  122. thanks brother.this year vocabulary was the only thing jo muljy ati thi :).i need to do more than enough in phy and chem.GOD BLESS YOU.

  123. .vocabulary was the only thing jo mujy ati thi.:).thanks brother.God bless you

  124. Bundle of thanks. May u be successful in every walk of life.:)) ameen

  125. Bundle of thanks. May u be successful in every walk of life.:)) ameen

  126. Aoa.i need bht disheart hun.i hve 984 marks in fsc nd 840 in mcat.kuch smj ni aa ri kesy preparation krun .mcat repeat krna ha.mjy lgta k mj sa kuch ni hoga .bt doctor bn na mera dream hy.kisi or field me b mind set ni ho ra .me so tense :( plz guide me.

  127. My marks in fsc are 815!
    I want admission in medical collage badly!
    I don't know wat to do?
    I'm repeating 4 subjects and its getting quite tough...

  128. Brain buster by Dogar is a good book

  129. You are welcome.

  130. i have 15 days and a lot of syllabus left and english too im good at English my aggregate is 41.5 do i have a chance?

  131. hmm thats a wonderfull article ahsan bhai
    bhiaya sunanyms ko to jaisay kaisay ratta mar lain gay
    jo baki english k mcqs anay hain unko prepare krnay ka tarika bta dain
    is saal main nay kips main tyari key thi unho nay english ka kafi extra rules krwaye hamain but entry test main kuch simple thay
    koi notes ap k pas hn to wo share kr dain plz

  132. impressedd!!!!!!!! :)

  133. mostly intelligent log IMCB G-10/4 se Q hte :)

  134. Ayeshum Fatima30 June 2015 at 15:49

    A O A i want ask u smthing. actually i m very tensed these days about mcat.
    actually i have to give mcat 2015. i m preparing frm kips ryk. but
    really i m not satisfied at all. teachers there are studing full
    chapters. they say that we should prepare full chaptrs. i know this is
    true in case of chmstry. but they also says that we should prepare full
    books of physcs and bio except one or two topics. i m very confused
    about it that i should prepare whole books of phscs and bio or only
    follow uhs syllabus. please give me a solution of this. also tell me
    that in case of phy and bio if i have to follow uhs sylabus then i
    should prepare only learning outcomes? the mcat paper comes frm only
    learning outcomes or whole books in case of phy and bio?

  135. Just follow the UHS syllabus. It was only last time that a few MCQs came outside of the UHS syllabus but before that in previous years, everything used to come from the UHS syllabus. I'll recommend that. :/ The rest is upto the UHS. Realistically, they should not give MCQs outside from the mentioned syllabus on their site.

    P.S. English is the key. Get a firm grip on it. Good luck.

  136. Do we need to learn all the synonyms given in KIPS vocab new edition or should we go for 4-5 Synonyms ? 😕
    Learning 15 synonyms for one word is not easy task though 😐

  137. Do we need to learn all the synonyms given in KIPS vocab new edition or should we go for 4-5 Synonyms ? 😕
    Learning 15 synonyms for one word is not easy task though 😐

  138. shattered_Girl24 July 2015 at 23:50

    quite appreciating article..!! :")
    i have to discuss my prob wd u bro.. em repeater.. got 951 markx in fsc laxt year.. nd got admission in KEMU in MLT.. ax my father asked me to do so.. laxt year my agg was 80.7% :'( thix year.. i improved two subjectx bio nd urdu..! nd em repeating mcat.. laxt year i did my bext nd juxt bext to achieve my goal.. MBBS..! but unfortunately i couldnt..really blv me i gave my bext to do.. my family as also assured that i will get admission in MBBS but i dn know what happen :((((( but thix year.. thix ix second nd last chance for me.. i have started prep but still sometimes i feel irritation.. em lacking the spirit that was present in laxt year :'( plx help me.. give me suggestion..? what should i do?

  139. No need to memorize the synonyms. Just try to read them again and again. Cover the whole list of words twice or thrice a week. The more you read, the more they come across your eyes; higher will be the chance that your brain will automatically recognize the correct option on the test day.

  140. Last year you gave your best. This time give your best-est. No matter how much you score there will always be room for improvement. If you gave your 100% at hard work, then maybe you didn't give your 100% at smartness. It is not just about working hard. It is about working "effectively". Why read the whole book of chemistry again and again when you can write down all the equations in your notebook and take a look at them every three days? Figure out where were you weak last year and improve on that. :) Good luck.

  141. shattered_Girl25 July 2015 at 23:20

    thanksh alot :')
    but sometime i feel irritation now by opening bookx :( plx tell me what to do to cope wd it?

  142. bro i need ur help....really very depressed..i've to give mcat 2015 but i've zero preparation due to a mishap....only 35 days 're left and i'm really really very depressed....plz help me to manage all previous academic record is good but my all hopes have faded about mcat 2015....
