Thursday, November 14

Riphah Entrance Test

Entrance test for International Islamic Medical College ( Riphah Medical College ) is going to be conducted on 17th November, last date to apply for the test was 13th November 2013.

Details of the test
Aptitude test will comprise of 100 MCSs, Break up is as follows:

  1. 40 MCQs (10 each) English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, from Intermediate Syllabus.
  2. 15 MCQs of Islamic Studies/ Pak Studies
  3. 15 MCQs on General Knowledge
  4. 30 MCSs on Aptitude/ Personality Assessment. 
Total Number of MCQs = 100

For the first section, you need to prepare the books of Fsc,complete books. Syllabus of English is not well defined. There can be synonyms, antonyms and grammar.
For the second and third portion you should know about the very general things for example the major events of 19th century in case of Pak studies, for Islamic studies I hope you all will have the info which will be asked in the test . Some of you might face problem in general knowledge, so you can prepare this portion from different books or the web.
In the last portion you will asked questions in order to check your mental level, these can be related to IQ or some just direct questions about what your prefer and other similar stuff.
I hope you have given enough time to your course books, now you should go through the 2nd and 3rd portion a bit. Use the web in order to learn. You can also use the books.

Note: The information about the pattern is provided by the Official page of Riphah University and according to them the time for the test will be 90 minutes. However, before the test time will be announced. So you guys can confirm it then because some members were saying it will be 1 hour. 

1 comment:

  1. Sir kitny numbers wala pass hota h test m
