Tuesday, May 14

Lahore Board 2007 Physics Part 2

1) the word xerography means
a) to take photograph
b) dry writing
c) writing by machine
d) to paint something

2) rheostat can operate as
c)potential divider

3) force on a moving charge in a magnetic filed is given by
a) F = q (B x V)
b) F = q(B + V)
c) F = q (V x B)
d) F = BIL

4)the sum of positive and negative peak values are usually written as
a) P-n values
b)P-P values
c)rms values
d)cycle values

5) in case of capacitor the unit of reactance is called
a) farad
b) Ohm
c) MoH
d) Henry

6) substances which break just after elastic limit is reached are
a)poor substances
d)soft substances

7) materials whose resistivity become zero below a certain temp are
a)good conductors
c)semi conductors
d)super condcutors

8) X=A+B is the mathematical natation for
a)OR gate
b)AND gante
c)NOR gate
d)NAND gate

9) theory of relativity which deals with non inertial frame of reference
a)special theory of relativity
b)general theory of relativity
c)quantum theory
d)classic theory

10) a pair of quark and anti quark makes a

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